In the MISL, we are focusing on developing novel methodologies for signal processing (optimization, machine learning, deep learning, etc), image reconstruction, modeling and quantification, and clinical applications (cancer, stroke, dementia, Alzheimer's diseases) in close collaboration with medical imaging industries and university hospitals.
If you are interested in graduate programs, please send your CV and transcripts to prof. J. Park: jaeseokp AT skku.edu.
Full scholarships and monthly stipends are provided to all graduate students accepted in the MISL.
Related fields: electrical, mechanical, computer, biomedical engineering etc.
SKKU-MISL ultrafast imaging techniques are introduced in youtube-E, youtube-K
Ultrafast 3D-4D Imaging in our team is featured in media: hellodd
If you are interested in graduate programs, please send your CV and transcripts to prof. J. Park: jaeseokp AT skku.edu.
Full scholarships and monthly stipends are provided to all graduate students accepted in the MISL.
Related fields: electrical, mechanical, computer, biomedical engineering etc.
SKKU-MISL ultrafast imaging techniques are introduced in youtube-E, youtube-K
Ultrafast 3D-4D Imaging in our team is featured in media: hellodd
MISL News:
[BRIC 한빛사 인터뷰, 2022] Eunji's research work, "Simultaneous Multi-slice MR Image Reconstruction", appears in BRIC 한빛사 interview, 2022: ibric.
[Paper Accepted, Medical Image Analysis. 2022] Eunji's work, "Generalized Self-Calibrating Simultaneous Multi-slice MR Image Reconstruction from 3D Fourier Encoding Perspective", appears in Medical Image Analysis, 2022.
[ISMRM Abstract: Accepted as digital poster presentation, 2022] Nhan's work, "VACAN: Vascular Heterogeneity Model Based Deep Learning Reconstruction for High Definition DCE MRI", is accepted as digital poster presentation for ISMRM, London, 2022.
[ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, 2022] Eunji's work, "Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled Simultaneous Multislice MR Image Reconstruction", is accepted as power pitch presentation for ISMRM, London, 2022. This work is also denoted by Summa Cum Laude Merit Award.
[Paper Accepted, Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2022] Eunji's work, "FID-Calibrated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Fast Spin Echo with Long Trains of Hard Pulses", appears in Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022.
[Paper Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2021] Joon Sik's work, "Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors", appears in IEEE TMI, 2021.
[Samsung HumanTech Award, 2021] Joon Sik Park wins a bronze award from Samsung HumanTech competitions in an area of signal processing on his work titled by "Vascular Heterogeneity Prior Driven Joint Functional Segmentation and Reconstruction".
[Paper Accepted, Medical Image Analysis. 2022] Eunji's work, "Generalized Self-Calibrating Simultaneous Multi-slice MR Image Reconstruction from 3D Fourier Encoding Perspective", appears in Medical Image Analysis, 2022.
[ISMRM Abstract: Accepted as digital poster presentation, 2022] Nhan's work, "VACAN: Vascular Heterogeneity Model Based Deep Learning Reconstruction for High Definition DCE MRI", is accepted as digital poster presentation for ISMRM, London, 2022.
[ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, 2022] Eunji's work, "Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled Simultaneous Multislice MR Image Reconstruction", is accepted as power pitch presentation for ISMRM, London, 2022. This work is also denoted by Summa Cum Laude Merit Award.
[Paper Accepted, Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2022] Eunji's work, "FID-Calibrated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Fast Spin Echo with Long Trains of Hard Pulses", appears in Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022.
[Paper Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2021] Joon Sik's work, "Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors", appears in IEEE TMI, 2021.
[Samsung HumanTech Award, 2021] Joon Sik Park wins a bronze award from Samsung HumanTech competitions in an area of signal processing on his work titled by "Vascular Heterogeneity Prior Driven Joint Functional Segmentation and Reconstruction".
MISL Research Highlights:
[Paper Accepted, Medical Image Analysis. 2022] Eunji Lim, Generalized Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled Simultaneous Multislice MR Image Reconstruction" This work is to develop a novel, one-step SMS reconstruction method from 3D Fourier encoding perspective
[ISMRM Summa Cum Laude Merit Award, 2022] Eunji Lim, "Self-Calibrating Aliasing-Controlled Simultaneous Multislice MR Image Reconstruction" This work is to present a highly strict SMS signal model and generalized reconstruction method for simultaneous slice encoding.
[Paper Accepted, Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2022] Eunji Lim, FID-Calibrated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Fast Spin Echo with Long Trains of Hard Pulses; This work is to present a novel, ultrafast imaging technique for simultaneous multi-slice encoding and reconstruction
[Paper Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2021, 해당분야 저널 상위 2.8%] Joon Sik Park, Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors; This work is to present a novel image reconstruction algorithm that simultaneously restore vascular structures and functions from a single, vastly incomplete 4D data.